3 cheap and easy independent play ideas for your preschooler

Big Future Toys
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2021


Your kid can play on their own. Here are three cheap and easy ideas to encourage independent play.

1. Sensory Bin

This one is so easy to set up and keeps kids entertained for a long time.

Sensory Bin with Rice and Toys

How to set it up: Fill a container with rice or dry pasta. Toss in some scoop and and bury some toys inside. Your kid will enjoy scooping, pouring and finding the treasures you’ve buried.

2. Play Dough

Play dough is a classic for a reason. It’s a flexible material (literally) that opens up all sorts of creative opportunities.

Play dough with rolling pin and butter knife

How to set it up: You can make your own play dough using this recipe. Rolling pins, cookie cutters, and a child-friendly knife are fun additions.

3. Water Play

This activity is perfect for when you just need a minute and kids love it.

How to set it up: Fill up a bucket outside. Have your kid go to town with squeeze bottles, sponges, and paint brushes. Gather flowers and leaves and make “nature soup” or potions. Surprisingly, kids also really dig “painting” rocks with a paintbrush dipped in water.

And here’s a Montessori inspired water play activity: Give your kid some dishes, a sponge, and a small amount of soup to wash dishes. That’s a parenting win!

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